What is sales management and how can I improve it? | optimiser

What is sales management and how can I improve it?

What is sales management?

Sales management tasks

Sales software in 2021

Why should I have a sales management system?

How to set up an efficient sales process using sales software


What is sales management?

The phrase sales management encompasses the everyday processes of a sales manager. If you’re wondering “what does a sales manager do?”- well, they are in charge of the planning, organising, execution, supervision and analysis of the business’s sales force. No matter what goes on in the sales force: from B2B sales to B2C sales, products to services and SMEs to Enterprises, the sales manager will oversee it all. 

A functional sales team and operation is possibly the most vital factor of making a successful and growing organisation as it directly impacts the business’s ability to reach KPI targets and generate revenue, which is why for sales managers, doing their job effectively is vital.


Sales management tasks

The sales manager’s tasks can be broken down across the customer journey. Much like the sales funnel, each stage can be distinguished by what its intention for the customer is. This even includes staff management tasks, which are easier to manage with analytics feeding you sales performance reports on departmental progress and individual task status.

  1. Qualify leads

Based on historical sales data, prospective lead forecasting allows the sales team to prioritise the most promising leads with the most potential for revenue.

  1. Understand the prospect

Using intuitive tools, the sales manager needs to understand who they are selling to, and why. Integrated sales and marketing tools help the marketing team pass along valuable information about trends and cohorts that enable sales to personalise the customer journey.

  1. Identify problems and areas to provide solutions

The sales manager should be aware of every aspect of the sales funnel, including areas in which the business is underperforming. By analysing reports, linked accounts and contact networks, they are able to provide solutions to poor departmental performance.

  1. Close the deal

Closing the deal is the part of the sales manager’s job where they find out whether the rest of their hard work has paid off. To close the deal, the sales manager will need to engage in heavily personalised communication where the clients’ concerns are addressed and needs are met.

  1. Retain

Retaining a database of loyal customers is the primary strategy that helps a business’s growth to retain a steady increase: which many sales managers will be aware of. Automated nurturing helps the sales manager keep on top of a high-volume contact and account database.


Sales software in 2021

In 2021, sophisticated selling tools allow managers to not only understand and organise the sales process, but streamline and optimise it too. Ultimately digital tools for sales, or Sales Management Software, is put in place to simplify the handling of prospects while also making it more effective: while this used to be a significant investment for businesses, with recent improvements in the sector allowing more advanced technology and AI to be priced for any company. 

For example, today’s sales tools will have integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features including online and offline activity tracking, network connections, AI analytics and social media tracking. These features provide a most holistic view of the sales cycle and help reps engage in highly effective contextual selling, predictions and recommendations.

Pipeline function helps the sales manager to track and organise the customer onboarding process, ensuring each stage is a new opportunity to provide value and nudge the lead closer to a closed deal.

Automations in sales management software remove the need for manual intervention in Contact and Account management, nurturing and lead qualifying, which saves plenty of time and financial resources and helps reps to focus on closing sales deals.


Why should I have a sales management system?

Essentially, the more efficiently a sales team works, the better it performs overall: increasing revenue and boosting business growth. With sales making a huge leap to digital in the past year, as well as the average customer’s purchasing habits becoming increasingly advanced, businesses are needing to adapt to the online selling sphere in order to keep up.

Research has found that roughly 80% of customers will research a product or service online before purchasing, and so it is up to the sales manager to ensure the sales presence extends to offering customers help and guidance online. Most customers will expect a business to be available instantly, and via multiple channels: social media, website and email to name a few. With so many streams of data and lead origins, it is vital sales managers implement a unifying sales management system in order to streamline and understand where their revenue-generating accounts are coming from, as well as how to get more. 

Further benefits of a good sales management system are:

  • Centralising prospect data
  • Creating a holistic view of the lead management process
  • Minimising repetitive administrative tasks
  • Prioritise and assign leads
  • Departmental analytics 
  • Accurate forecasting

No longer a luxury but an essential piece of business software: advanced sales and CRM tools can help a sales department achieve these things.


How to set up an efficient sales process using sales software

Creating an efficient sales process using sales software is all about ensuring you are capturing the relevant data and making prompt use of it. Your Optimiser CRM and Sales Suite have the power to do that, by providing the individual tools necessary to complete the stages of an optimised pipeline. With the core CRM doing all the “heavy lifting” in terms of creating automations and analytics, you can focus most of your resources on the things only your sales reps can do: building relationships, holding meetings and making connections.

By choosing a CRM that can integrate any number of additional software suites, you allow your business to grow exponentially and implement revenue-focussed or sales-focussed decisions in processes throughout your full business scope.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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