Contact Management Software - Optimiser


Contact management software mines value from your large database

  • Understand your contacts at a glance
  • Manage your customer relationships from a single place
  • Build stronger relationships to create better deals
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Value mining

  • Discover the true value of contact management software to organise your contact database for increased sales, upselling opportunities and time-saving proxy sales
  • Optimiser’s built-in contact management module records every communication and action from within the platform
  • Convert more leads and enhance opportunity gains by using contact information history to make smarter sales and marketing decisions

Understand your contacts

  • Detailed tagging and customised filtering options mean you can quickly organise your contacts and segment customers for targeted marketing
  • Associate accounts, tasks and important documents, and store them in one place to personalise communications and product offering
  • View communication history across multiple channels to see where your most successful lead generation funnels and interactions in the customer journey are

Organise your database

  • Personalise the filter information on your contact list to ensure vital customer segments can be identified quickly
  • Tag contacts by level of importance and opportunity, allowing simple follow-up procedures and clear plan of action creation
  • Connect contacts with your Account and Pipeline modules to enable context-specific sales and marketing pitches
  • Contacts can be linked to social and third party sites so all key information is ready to view and available on hand

30 days free trial. No credit card required

iconOne powerful platform
iconSimple to use

Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
Learn More
crm software
Customer Lifetime Value: Understanding The True Worth Of Your Customers
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CRM for sales and marketing
Unveiling The Impact Of AI In Marketing: Key Concerns Revealed
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