Optimiser Analytics: Give your team the power to make smart business decisions | optimiser

CRM Analytics

Optimiser Analytics: Give your team the power to make smart business decisions

As business data increases, the adoption of CRM amongst organisations in different industries continues. This lines up with the latest numbers which state that 60% of organisations around the world use data and analytics to drive up process and cost efficiency. 

Swamped in data, businesses need a platform to store, organise and analyse their gathered information to provide an enhanced user experience. CRM custom reports allow managers to spot opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths in every department.


CRM Reports


Optimiser's Analytics allows individuals to gain accurate business forecasting with live CRM software reports. 

Rather than restricting your CRM for storing customer data and interactions, exploit its fullest potential to augment your ROI. CRM software that comes with an analytics feature built-in allows you to plan your next steps with a big picture of the changing market trends. You can adapt to the unique needs of every customer and deliver a memorable experience. 

Let's take a look at how Optimiser CRM's AI-enabled intelligence improves business operations: 


Chart and graphs

With Optimiser's charts features, individuals can create comprehensive and aesthetically pleasing charts and graphs to grow engagement with data. To get your team members acquainted with data, you will have to make it easy to understand. People hesitate to study data because they think of it as time-consuming and complicated. 

However, with Optimiser's easy chart creation, you can create all sorts of graphs for your key metrics and allow your team members to absorb information easily. 



Key Performance Indicators are vital for every business. However, it is important to note that not every business has the same KPIs.

Some businesses focus on increasing sales, others on their marketing efforts and even on maximising the impact of customer service. Through Optimiser's platform, you can keep track of all your key metrics. All important information is stored in one place for you to consult whenever you want. 



Optimiser's dashboard is flexible and customisable. CRM sales reports, KPIs, project progress, team performance etc are viewable in one glance. You can display your key metrics without any hassle. You can tailor the CRM to dish out reports that you seek. 

With the help of the dashboard and custom reports, you can draw comparisons. You have a variety of metrics to choose from and this will allow you to understand if your new strategies are making a difference. 

With a simplified overview of your performances, get accurate forecasting to use your resources consciously to maximise your business' potential. 


Pipeline tracking

One of the most vital processes for the sales team is tracking the progress of the pipeline. Be it the different stages your customers are dropping from or how your leads sources are performing, or even the conversion rate analysis- Optimiser makes tracking customer journeys extremely easy. 

In easily trackable stages, allowing the sales teams to focus on creating a healthy sales pipeline. You can assign resources to areas that require extra attention.


CRM sales reports

Also Read - A guide to CRM Analytics: Key metrics to track in 2022


Achieve targets

Data analysis is used by 57% of enterprise organisations to drive change and strategy. Sales teams used by Optimiser not only achieve their goals but also exceed them. The teams can keep track of their targets and follow the progress of their projects. 


Find anomalies 

If you ever run into an unexpected situation and cannot figure out what is causing it, analytics can clue you in. For example, your email open rate has dropped unexpectedly and the bounce rates have increased. Analytics can guide you to understand why this is happening. Optimiser-generated dynamics CRM email reports will give you a thorough report of your clients and prospects list before these unexpected changes cause a drop in your revenue. 



With about 65% of global enterprises increasing their spending on analytics in 2020, we can concur that this is the age of data. Those who can navigate through it are able to stand out in the market.



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Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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CRM for sales and marketing
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