Must-Know Web Design Statistics in 2022 | optimiser

Must-Know Web Design Statistics in 2022

The web design industry is growing at an accelerated pace since the pandemic transferred the world to an online space. Every business is focused on starting a website while others are building an app to offer a seamless experience on smartphones. Consumer demands have been changing at a rapid pace and with 1.8 billion websites on the internet, you will need the assistance of the essential web design data to make your business sustainable and profitable. 


Must-Know Web Design Statistics in 2022


Statistics on Mobile Web Designs 

  • In the first quarter of 2021, it was observed that mobile devices generated 58.4 percent of the global website traffic according to Statista 2021. 

Mobile traffic was at 50% in 2017, meaning that optimising websites for desktop and phones are equally important. 

  • About 32% of small businesses own a mobile app for their business whereas 42% plan on building one in the future. 26% of small businesses, however, do not plan on releasing an app for their business as studied by Top Design Firms 2021.

Some small businesses create an app for their services whereas others plan to offer improved customer service. However, not every small business needs to create an app. They can opt for a far more efficient solution which is PWA. Progressive Mobile Apps are cheaper to build and easy to maintain. Using Optimiser Touchpoint, small businesses can offer a seamless customer experience to the users who do not need to install this application or update it from time to time.


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  • When browsing and shopping on a smartphone, 50% of the users prefer to use the company's or brand's website because they do not want to download an app as per Google/ Ipsos, 2019.

It was noticed in a study that when the mobile site load time has been decreased by just one-tenth of a second, it led to a major increase in the conversion rate - the retail industry observed an 8.4% increase and 10.1% for travel websites. The study was authorised by Google and led by Deloitte and 55 in 2019. 


Statistics on Responsive Web Design

  • A non-responsive website was listed as the top reason by 73.1% of web designers as the top reason for visitors leaving the website by Good Firms 2021. 

Optimising the website and decreasing the loading time can ensure that the customer sticks to your website and doesn't move to the competitor. Even if the competitor is offering lesser features, the fast work website will garner more attention as people have a very small attention span and patience. 

  • GoodFirms in 2021 also observed that the top reason for a website to be redesigned by 53.8% of web designers was "not being responsive on all devices".



Statistics on Modern Web Design


  • Top Design Firms 2021 noted that as per 50% of the consumers, website design is important for any business's overall brand.

This survey was of 500 consumers wherein one-half said that the website is important for the overall brand. Meaning that website design does impact how consumers perceive your brand and can be the driving factor for making a purchase. 

  • Top Design Firms 2021 study also surveyed which visual elements on a company website are valued by the consumers. 40% of consumers value images, colour was stated by 30% of the consumers and 21% placed more emphasis on video. 


While building a website, images, videos and colours should be incorporated along with typography, animation and infographics. 


  • About 84.6% of web designers consider that a crowded web design is the most common mistake made by a small business. (GoodFirms, 2021)
  • Due to poor functionality, 42% of the users will leave the website. (Top Design Firms, 2021)
  • Outdated design is considered the top reason for visitors leaving a website by 38.5% of the web designers. (GoodFirms, 2021)
  • Colours are appreciated by 39% of the consumers more than any other component of a website design. (Top Design Firms, 2021)
  • Whitespace in a website is observed by only 8% of the consumers on their first visit to any website. (Top Design Firms, 2021)
  • While surveying colour schemes on websites, Top Design Firms, 2021 discovered that 26% prefer primary colour schemes, 21% like complementary and 20% would rather prefer analogous. 
  • Top Design Firms, 2021 studied that 22% of the consumers visit a website for its eye-catching colours whereas 21% of the consumers leave the website due to 'outlandish' colours. 
  • Page layout/ navigational links are observed by 38% of the consumers on their first visit to any website. (Top Design Firms, 2021)
  • In June 2021, was the most popular website around the world with more than 86.9 billion of total monthly visits. (Statista, 2021)



By 2010, there were 2 billion worldwide users of the internet and by 2021, the number crosses 4.6 billion. To stand out in the market of ever-changing trends and technologies, these statistics can help you understand how you can position your business as unique in the market and go head to head with the biggest competitors in the industry.



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