Customer Journey Mapping and How Sales can be useful for it? | optimiser

Customer Journey Mapping and How Sales can be useful for it?

The customer's experience with a company is visually mapped to gather an understanding of the needs and concerns of potential concerns. This is known as customer journey mapping. This data is helpful to comprehend what motivates the customer to take an action such as sending a query, setting up an appointment, and/ or making a purchase from your business. 

Customer journey mapping with a help of a digital sales toolkit offered by Optimiser Sales Suite enables companies to improve the customer experience and consequently, a higher conversion rate with improved customer retention. 


Why is customer journey mapping important?

Tracking customer journeys appears to be simple. A company offers its products or services and customers buy them. However, it is more complicated than that. Most customers need to be nurtured before they make a purchase. 

About 80% of the customers consider that their experience with a brand is as important as the product they have purchased as per a survey done by Salesforce. 

During the customer journey, a buyer would see advertisements, speak to sales reps, or check out the products. These touchpoints affect the actions taken by the customers during their journey. 

Once you are able to interpret this relationship with the customers and their interaction with every touchpoint, you will be able to create the most effective and efficient customer journey. 


What role does sales play in customer journey mapping?

If customer journey mapping is leveraged correctly, it can be used to improve every customer experience at every step. You will be able to get a better picture of the customers' feelings, preferences, likes, and dislikes as well as what triggers them to take action. This helps you to discover at what stage your prospects move into the sales funnel.


Customer Journey Mapping


Using a customer journey map, your company will be aware of every stage in the sales cycle. Every touchpoint can be analysed and optimised. The marketers collect the leads and pass them to the salespeople to transform them into loyal customers. Customer loyalty is invaluable for companies. These brand advocates can drive sales within the organisation. If you know how your current customers become loyal, you will be able to develop loyalty in most of the customers. For mastering sales a toolkit for success is needed. Optimiser Sales Suite allows businesses to map their customer journey and effectively analyse the data through the analytics feature. 


Marketing campaign data 

Sales reps require access to a lot of data, including demographics, psychographics, transaction history and even content performance. They also need the data to understand why some customers have left or what their referral sources were. The sales department combines this data to yield better results. 


With this data available at its fingertips, an organisation can adopt a buyer-centric strategy. This strategy will focus on meeting the needs of the customers with the help of promotional content. 


Customer Journey Mapping

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Address customer concerns

The sales department can take a huge role in the development of new products as well as existing ones. You will be able to create a product that is uniquely tailored and will set you apart from the competitors. This data will be more useful in creating the customer journey map as you will be able to pinpoint which features bring in more customers. 

Every point in the customer journey can be understood from the perspective of the customer and optimised so that you can achieve your business goals quicker. 

Using Optimiser’s Sales toolkit for sales team, you will be able to open tickets and address these tasks on the basis of priority. 


Brand awareness

A digital presence is important because inevitably, leads will come in from social media channels. Customers will purchase your products and leave reviews. If the product was satisfying, they are likely to leave a good review and in other cases, they might leave a bad review. 

Since on social media, customers can talk about a product freely, the sales department can figure out which deal to focus on with priority to ensure that the customers are not annoyed and the areas that require improvement from the organisation's end. 



Organisations have to attract customers with an intricate and personalised journey to get them to purchase their products and retain them after the sales cycle closes. Every piece of data can make the customer experience offered by the organisation incredibly distinctive and innovative.



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Further Resources

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