5 Must-Know Workflow Automation Examples of Real Life | optimiser

5 Must-Know Workflow Automation Examples of Real Life

Workflow automation has been around for a long time. People are not unfamiliar with the term anymore because of its usefulness in practically every aspect of a business. More than 80% of business leaders have reported that they are using automation to speed up the work process and expand to remote working. About 75% of the companies are using a marketing automation suite to automate their marketing processes. 

Originating in the 1920s, Workflow automation was coined by Henry Grant and Fredrick Taylor. They realised the importance of automation in those decades because they were management consultants and mechanical engineers. Before becoming an important element of the internet, smartphones and computers, Workflow automation had begun to establish its roots within organisations. 

What made workflow automation a part of the digital revolution is the works of Joseph Juran and Edwards Deming. Their idea of the workflow was the key inspiration for the concept of workflow automation. While this happened in the 1980s, the foundation for the newer technologies had been established. These emerged to our present wherein we have the internet, phones, cryptocurrency etc. 

If you are looking for a workflow automation software, be it for marketing or sales or anything for that matter, be sure to seek out these key features in the software: 

  • Notifications and reminders are sent on time
  • Organisational-hierarchy based access to data
  • Cloud storage access
  • Easy to use form builder 
  • User-friendly graphics and interface 
  • A visual builder for workflow


Integration of multiple automated workflows 

With the help of IoT, we can find these above-mentioned features in any workflow automation software. But, that does not imply that every workflow software will suit your unique needs. It is pertinent to remember that every software has a set of features that suit the unique demands of some businesses. It is better to look for a customised solution such as Optimiser wherein the software will adapt to the unique needs of your business. You will be able to integrate your departments such as Operations, engineering, finance, sales, marketing etc together and ensure they are working seamlessly. This will promote collaboration that will go a long way in boosting the revenue of any organisation.


How does Workflow Automation work in Optimiser?


5 Must-Know Workflow Automation Examples of Real Life


Welcome emails

When you register on a new website, you receive a welcome email after you share your email ID. That is one of the most common examples of automation. Rather than sending every subscriber a welcome email manually, this task can be automated. Even small businesses use automation for this purpose. Instead of waiting to gain more subscribers to automate tasks, small businesses streamline their tasks from the beginning itself. 


Schedule social media posts automatically 

Social media channels of companies are usually automated to post on schedule. With the number of social media increasing every day, social media is the most effective channel for disseminating brand information. Business owners create posts for their social media pages and schedule them to be posted on the channels. Using these tools, you do not have to devote too much time to posting on social media and tracking the updates. 


Reminder emails 

When you visit a website to book a hotel, it is a Workflow Automation that sends you reminders about your upcoming bookings. Business owners set up these reminder emails to ensure that the guests do not forget about the upcoming appointment and if there has been a change in their plans, they can reschedule their bookings or cancel them on time. This cuts the chances of no shows and hotels are able to provide a room for another potential guest.



Similarly, e-commerce owners send you reminder notifications about your abandoned cart through workflow automation. 



In healthcare, patients who have been admitted are sent feedback emails after their discharge. These emails are automatically sent to the patient. They can detail the care they have received in the hospital and if they have any issues, they can be addressed. 


Responding to negative reviews 

When you are a business owner, negative reviews are inevitable. To ensure that all customers are heard, an automated email response is sent to the customer who left the negative feedback. You can use this information to improve your product and fulfil specific customers' needs. 



With the aid of automation, organisations have witnessed an increase in productivity due to the reduction of repetitive tasks, decreasing production costs, and reduced chances of human error.



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