Importance of Marketing Automation Software and Who Need It? | optimiser


Who needs marketing automation software and why is it important?

What is marketing automation?

What is marketing automation for?

How does marketing automation software work?

Who needs marketing automation software?

Optimiser's Marketing Suite

Marketing automation is the final touch to successful digital marketing. An essential feature in your lead funnel, no matter the industry or size of your business, they have the ability to reduce outgoing marketing costs while simultaneously increasing revenue: resulting in a huge productivity boost. Read on to find out more.


What is marketing automation?

In literal terms, marketing automation is the use of artificial intelligence software to manage certain functions of the marketing mix.  Marketing automations can be applied to any part of the marketing process that uses data, is formulaic, or is repetitive. It may sound too good to be true: having the boring, manual parts of your job completed for you without having to lift a finger. The great thing- it’s not! 

Automations are becoming more essential and more commonplace in the everyday marketing activities in most businesses. Because of this, marketing automation tools are also becoming more affordable, and powerful- a worthwhile investment for businesses of all sizes!


What is marketing automation for?

Automations are the secret ingredient to any marketing manager’s campaign strategy. If used correctly, marketing automations can…

  1. Save time: by eliminating teams’ time spent on manual and data processes, it frees up time resources for other parts of the marketing strategy
  2. Personalise marketing: by cleaning and organising your data for you, you can better understand where your leads came from, and why they are interested in your brand
  3. Increase marketing creativity: once you’ve freed up time with data cleaning, analysis and repetitive manual tasks, you leave more time for your team to get creative and design attention-grabbing campaigns


How does marketing automation software work?

Marketers using marketing automation systems will specify criteria for their software that helps it identify the specifications of a task or outcome, and file it accordingly. Incoming data is then interpreted and stored by the software, and delivers packeted groups of data regarding prospect warmth and lead quality, lead nurturing statistics, and conversion forecasting, to the sales and marketing teams.

Essentially, the software automations cut out the middleman and save teams time on manual data handling and interpretation, and presents them instantly with the vital information. This data is often then acted upon through the integrated CRM features. For marketers, automations are most useful in building promising leads for sales teams - in particular regard to predictive warmth scoring.


Hierarchy of Marketing Automation


Once marketers have access to collected data, further automations can be put in place in sections of the lead journey identified as most valuable. This also allows marketers to know what messaging has engaged their audience most in order to ensure a higher rate of leads are being closed.


Who needs marketing automation software?

Businesses of all sizes should be using marketing automation software in order to improve the way they manage their marketing. 


For enterprise salespeople, the sales funnel can often take a great deal longer and will typically involve more than just the two key negotiating reps. There are plenty of spaces for automation throughout this complex and lengthy onboarding process that will simplify the reps job so they can focus more on relationship building. It also allows the marketing and sales teams to work in unison, see the customer journey holistically, and streamline data flow with minimum manual effort.


For charities attempting to gain sponsors and donors, the sales process is vitally important in developing healthy relationships that encourage repeat financial support for the business. By automating some of the data handling and nurturing stages of the funnel, reps can spend their time building strong and loyal relationships, and maintaining excellent relationships with repeat donors and their most important sponsors.


Marketing automation software used to seem like something that was expensive, complicated, and only available for large companies with the tech and IT capacity to support technology at this scale. However, recent developments in marketing automations have meant that the software is relatively affordable and cloud-hosted, allowing any business to utilise and implement automations into their daily customer journey.


For clubs with plenty of memberships to onboard, renew and upsell, marketing automations help teams stay on top of their high-volume pipeline and ensure no account goes missed. With integrated task management and comprehensive account modules, streamline your teams’ workflow for a higher output, increased productivity and a resulting revenue gain.


Optimiser’s Marketing Suite

Optimiser approaches marketing automation with a holistic view. Excellent marketing automation always considers the customer experience journey as a whole instead of focussing solely on marketing activities that generate interest on the bottom line.

Marketing can be thought of like the foundations of a house. Just because you’ve built a strong starting point, doesn’t mean you can stop building there and expect to have somewhere comfortable to live! Customers and loyal consumer relationships are more than just the result of your automated and manual marketing activities: they are the core consideration of everything your business does. Your marketing automations should reflect this, and Optimiser’s Marketing Suite is integrated with the best CRM software to help you achieve customer-centric marketing.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

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