Top Work from Home Distractions and Ways to Regain Focus | optimiser

Top Work from Home Distractions and Ways to Regain Focus

Several organisations have adopted the work from home culture as well as hybrid working, wherein, you work from home one some days and visit the office on other days. At the beginning of the pandemic, each of us was struggling to maintain a routine and establish a work schedule that didn’t impact the result. 

After a year of learning and adapting, we have shortlisted the top work from distractions and what you can do to regain your focus.



“Work from Home means working from your Comfort Zone!”


Top Work from Home Distraction 

1. Household Chores and Members

Living with all the members in one house when you are trying to work can be super chaotic. Especially if you have kids. With the kids at home, you need to make sure that they have their snacks, the colouring books, and a really good distraction that will keep them engaged while you work. 

On the other hand are the household chores that need to be finished otherwise the place ends up resembling a deserted haunted house. Worrying about getting the chores done can distract you from focusing on work and bring down your productivity. 



2. Noisy Ambience

Working in a noisy area can wreak havoc on your focus. Not only does the constant noise disturb your thought process, but you will also feel more irritated during your work hours. That way, your productivity takes a hit and can lead to you being behind with your deadlines. 



3. Pets 

Pets have made people's lockdown significantly better but at the same time, they can be the biggest distraction in your home. Your fur babies will follow you everywhere and demand attention when they please. Doesn't matter whether you are in a meeting or not. 9 times out of 10, we all end up caving in and petting them. 



4. Social Media

A little scrolling through the 'Gram has hurt no one, said no one ever. While you can convince yourself momentarily that let's go through the Instagram feed for 10 minutes, what you do not realise is that those 10 minutes can turn into an hour real quick. 



5. Multitasking/ Multi-screen Usage

Some people are extremely efficient multitaskers. But others, not so much. In fact, studies show that multi-screen usage can significantly lower one's attention span due to switching between several screens and platforms. Opening too many tabs can mess with one's peace of mind as you will always focus on how many tabs are open.



6. Cluttered workspace

While many brush it off saying that the aesthetics of the workplace do not matter, we disagree. Your workspace tends to represent the state of your mind. A messy workplace can bring out anxiety and stress to you. 

For some, working can clutter their environment but stimulate creativity, cleaning it up afterwards is always advised. It keeps your mind settled that you do not have to do extra chores. 



7. Smartphones 

Smartphones have been the support we all drastically needed during the pandemic. From ordering food to keeping in touch with friends and colleagues, they have been the biggest blessing. 

But during work from home scenarios, they are also a curse. One of the biggest sources of distraction, the moment you pick up the phone, you begin to lose track of time. By the time you put it down, you either are not able to or are left with a horrible feeling you wasted time. 



8. Food

This may not seem like a big deal, with eating while working can be potentially distracting. Not only does it take too much time to accomplish the task, but it also becomes prone to errors. 

Sometimes, it also happens that when you do not have a proper schedule, you end up missing your meal time which further impacts your diet and even mental health.




How to Regain your Focus?

1. Select the Right Tools for the Job

Organising your workweek as well as household chores can be a real challenge. Especially if you do not have the right tools. For household planning, you can opt for a daily planner or a planning app that can be used to schedule chores that need to be finished and assign them to family members to distribute the tasks. For work, using a solution like CRM such as Optimiser can help you in maintaining a streamlined workflow. All your data is stored and you will never miss a deadline with regular notifications. 



2. Have a flexible Schedule and Clear your Workspace

Keep your schedule flexible. Do not jam-pack it with things that can be finished at a later date. Plan your tasks properly and follow the schedule rigidly. Cleaning your workspace is a big step that will help you regain your focus in the long run. Additionally, if you can, decorate it with pictures, planners, stickers etc. You will have something pleasant to look at while working.



3. Food

Instead of snacking on junk food, try to replace it with healthier alternatives such as nuts, fruits, and grain-based eatables. Keep these snacks in handy near you so that you do not have to get up again and again. These are light and will satiate your immediate hunger while working. Also, do not forget to hydrate. Sometimes, we are thirsty but tend to confuse it with hunger. 



4. Keep away from Phones and Social Media

Try to keep your phones on vibrate or do not disturb mode while working. This way you will not be drawn by the notifications chiming. Messaging apps like WhatsApp can be run on the desktop on the browser. Keep your essential office data stored within the laptop securely to use without having to pick your phones. 



5. Take breaks 

Taking breaks is the key to focusing on any task. Short walking breaks after sitting for long periods can be beneficial and relaxing. Make sure that during your lunch break your focus is away from the screen. Let your mind stabilise and get back to work when you are settled. 




Work from Home is our future. With the world battling the deadly virus, it seems that if we do recover from the extensive impacts of Covid-19, many companies have seen their employees be more productive at home than at the office. This change can very well be permanent for several organisations. 

Being able to work from one’s comfort zone allows the employees to focus on themselves and maintain a work-life balance that previously was neglected by many.



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