Project Management By The Numbers: Essential Statistics To Consider | optimiser
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Project Management By The Numbers: Essential Statistics To Consider

Project management solution allows businesses to plan and organise their projects effectively. It provides features such as task management, scheduling, and resource allocation, enabling teams to break down complex projects into manageable tasks, set deadlines, and allocate resources efficiently.

Project management statistics provide businesses with benchmarks to measure their own project management performance against industry standards and best practices. By knowing the average success rates, budgets, timelines, and other key metrics, businesses can assess their own performance, identify areas for improvement, and set realistic goals.


Essential Project Management Statistics 


  • Only 25% of organisations utilise project management software. Despite the robust growth of the project management software market, its adoption remains relatively low. The majority, approximately 75% of companies, rely on tools such as Excel, paper, or inadequate software for project management purposes. Consequently, these organisations are unable to effectively track KPIs in real time.


  • Inefficient project management processes result in approximately 12% wastage of valuable resources for organisations. This resource wastage poses a significant challenge, particularly for startups and small companies with limited resources. Many project managers express frustration over the time consumed by repetitive and tedious tasks. 


  • The trend of centralising Project Management Offices is on the rise, with 57% of organisations adopting this approach. 


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  • A mere 15% of project managers dedicate their attention to a single project, making them fortunate individuals. The majority of managers handle multiple projects simultaneously, with some overseeing five or even up to ten projects. 


  • The majority of project managers express dissatisfaction with their current technology. According to a 2020 study conducted by Wellingtone, only 35% of project managers in the marketing field reported being moderately or highly satisfied with their project tracking tools. In contrast, 52% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction.


  • Every business, regardless of its size, aims to minimise operating costs while maximising revenue. Organisations that invest in established and proven project management practices achieve significant cost savings. As per a recent market research report by Capterra, companies utilising project management tools spend 28 times less on their strategic initiatives. Implementing a project management tool allows organisations to accurately estimate timelines, resulting in cost reduction across the board.


  • A majority of the workforce, 54%, believes that automation tools can save them over 5 hours. According to a survey conducted by, 54% of employees are of the opinion that utilising automation tools would enhance their productivity and efficiency by saving them more than 5 hours of work. Among the respondents, 24% identified time-consuming and tedious data input as the biggest drain on their time. Additionally, over 70% expressed their interest in using automation tools for routine and repetitive tasks.


  • The State of Project Management Report by Wellingtone highlights that 54% of organisations do not have access to real-time project KPIs. Within the same report, 25% of respondents indicated a lack of appropriate technology to collaborate on information projects within their business.


  • Only a mere 2.5% of companies achieve 100% successful project completion. While many companies aspire to achieve perfect project execution and delivery, only a small fraction, 2.5%, can proudly claim to have accomplished this feat. These companies attribute their success to efficient resource management and diligent tracking at every stage of the project, enabling them to execute projects as planned.


  • The Hybrid project delivery approach is widely adopted. According to a survey conducted by Rebel's Guide to Project Management, approximately 60% of project managers are utilising the Hybrid project delivery approach, which combines elements of both Waterfall and Agile methodologies.


  • Many organisations perceive investment in new software as costly. Undoubtedly, adopting a new project management system incurs expenses for an organisation. 56% of organisations find the costs of new software to be too high. 


  • PM software enhances team communication. Teams that utilise project management software with built-in communication features have reported a remarkable 52% improvement in team communication, fostering greater transparency within the organisation. 


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Also Read: Improve Project Outcomes With CRM-Driven Resource Management


  • 77% of high-performing teams attribute their success to the utilisation of effective project management software that offers a diverse range of built-in features. These features enable users to manage various aspects of their work from a single platform, eliminating the need to switch between multiple applications.


  • Employee burnout is a significant concern, with 20% of workers reporting that a hectic workload is the primary contributor. This issue often arises due to task allocation imbalances by managers. Some employees end up with an overwhelming workload, while others are left with insufficient tasks. Such uneven distribution of tasks can lead to heightened stress levels among certain employees, ultimately putting them at risk of burnout.


  • Project failures often result from a lack of clear goals and vision. While project failures can stem from various factors, the absence of clear goals and vision is a common culprit, accounting for 37% of cases. Project managers should utilise tools such as Gantt charts or Boards to establish a clear visualisation of project milestones and deliverables.


Optimiser's Project Management Suite

Boost projects with Optimiser CRM software project managment tools. With its comprehensive set of tools and features, Optimiser CRM empowers businesses to streamline project management and drive success. From task management and scheduling to resource allocation and collaboration, it offers a centralised platform for seamless project execution. Stay on top of timelines, track progress, and allocate resources efficiently. With real-time insights and analytics, make informed decisions to optimise project outcomes. Experience enhanced communication, seamless coordination, and increased productivity.



By understanding industry trends, businesses can make informed decisions, align project management practices with strategies, and improve project success rates. These statistics also inform talent acquisition and development, help in continuous improvement efforts, and facilitate effective stakeholder communication



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