How Optimiser's CRM analytics can help you in planning sales? | optimiser


How you can plan sales with Optimisers CRM analytics

Why should I be setting sales plans?

What is the link between CRM and Sales?

How do I create my sales plan with CRM?

Optimiser’s Analytics-integrated Sales Tools


CRM Analytics is a key ingredient in creating a strong sales plan. Allowing you to generate predictions based on realistic capacities and your sales history, CRM helps to generate achievable yet ambitious KPIs for your sales team. Read on to find out why you should be planning sales using CRM.


Why should I be setting sales plans?

The reasons your sales department could be falling short are multifold: no clear KPIs, no unifying achievement strategy, unrealistic goals, the list goes on!

Sales is one of the departments in your business in which it is relatively clear to see and monitor the effects of actions taken and not taken. In this way, revenue can be attributed to business action, and vice versa. Your sales plan is the thing that lays out your route to becoming a high-performing sales department that will generate clear Action > Result correlations, helping to:

  • Identify risks
  • Motivate teams
  • Benchmark market placement
  • Create achievable but ambitious KPIs
  • Helps you focus on the bigger picture

The key information you need to know before beginning to create your sales plan: where have you come from, how is your sales process going? Are you headed in the direction you want to be? Who are our audience currently, and who do we want them to be? Armed with this knowledge, you are ready to begin working on driving a more precise and direct sales journey.


What’s the link between CRM and Sales?

CRM tools are designed to improve how businesses manage their customer relationships. As any sales rep knows, great customer relationships are essential in creating both short-term gains and steady growth in the long run. Customers reported they were more inclined to repeat custom with a business based on excellent customer service provision above any other factor: including the value of products or services. 

To begin optimising your stellar sales strategy, CRM Software can help:

  • Organise a stronger, clearer Contacts and Accounts list
  • Provide clarity on Sales performance so far and indicate areas in need of improvement
  • Unify the sales team’s progress onto a single platform for easier analysis and a streamlined workflow
  • Lay out the sales funnel into a clean, intuitive structure with time-saving automations


How do I create my sales plan with CRM?

1- Analyse sales capacity

How many sales reps are you working with, how many junior team members do you have, is there a crossover between sales and customer experience staff? All of these factors will determine what volume of incoming sales you are equipped to deal with. Use CRM Analytics to gain an understanding of your current incoming call volume, how your reps are using their time, and what sort of ROI you are achieving with your current tools.

It’s fine to make an ambitious strategy, but if you do not have the personnel to handle an increased number of enquiries, you may as well hold off until you have worked on a separate plan for your staff and automations. Speaking of which…

2- CRM calendar feature

CRM Calendar is much more useful than the average calendar found in-built to your computer software. Based on the cloud, it integrates fully with your other CRM modules and enables you to schedule meetings, phone calls and more from your Pipeline, Contacts or Gmail account. 

Your CRM Calendar will be available to team members of your choosing, allowing you to collaborate your workflows, conveniently plan meetings, and ensure you are using your using your time as a department 

3- Internal and external factors

By considering all the factors that could have an impact- positive or negative- on your sales strategy.

  • Internal factors include: staff experience, technology, pipeline capacity
  • External factors include: competition, industry trends, 

By understanding these, you can accurately measure and account for factors both inside and outside of your control: mitigating risk and increasing the likelihood of success.

4- Outline strategies and tactics

This is the main part of your sales plan and is the part that, if done well, will bring you the most clear successes. Now you’ve identified the internal and external factors, what are the strategies and tactics you plan on using to overcome the challenges that these things present?

Don’t forget that strategies and tactics differ slightly, so to create a truly foolproof sales plan, both should be taken into consideration:

  • Strategy is your plan of action to overcome challenges and reduce risk
  • Tactics are short-term tasks and actions you plan on taking, to help you execute your overall strategy

5- Create more accurate KPIs
CRM Analytics are a powerful set of automated tools that allow you to select and generate reports on custom sections of your data. With CRM data feeding in from across your entire business scope to a single database, Analytics can shine accurate insights into business performance, market trends and audience demographics. By making timeline comparisons and predictive sales forecasts, you can figure out where your sales are heading and create ambitious yet achievable KPIs that keep your teams motivated to achieve more.


Optimiser’s Analytics-integrated Sales Tools

Optimiser’s full CRM for sales allows reps to switch seamlessly between tasks and meetings for a smooth and streamlined workflow.

Prioritise building excellent customer relationships when you plan sales using CRM tools: generate sales proposals using reliable customer data reports, automate sales processes for a consistent and client-friendly sales plan, and create meaningful, loyal partnerships.

  • Pipeline

Optimiser’s powerful automated Pipeline tool ensures a coherent and streamlined sales plan execution.

Monitor your ongoing leads, conversion rates and audience demographics that inform predictive lead scoring and an improved strategy.

Track your teams’ progress, allocate tasks, and mark priorities and deadlines. By ensuring your most valuable prospects are being prioritised, you can better deploy sales resources and score those bigger wins.

  • Accounts

Use previously successful sales plans to inform new and improved strategies. Tailor your sales funnel using AI insights about historical data collected in your CRM.

Analyse which marketing activities cause your strongest accounts to arrive at your bottom line using three-dimensional contact profiles.

Start by signing up for a FREE 30 day trial of Optimiser’s full Enterprise Licence today, and watch as your CRM analytics tool grows into a strong and comprehensive sales plan.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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