How to get Organised and Reduce Workplace Stress? | optimiser

How to get Organised and Reduce Workplace Stress?

While many people can manage a 40+ hour work week, it is ideal for practising some stress-relieving tips. Eating healthy, exercising, meditating, and even making vision boards play a huge role in maintaining the body's stress levels. 

The organisation at the workplace is the key to improve efficiency and productivity within the company. It positively impacts the employee's mental as well as physical health. The clean and uncluttered workspace establishes that the employees are happy and are willing to give their best to the organisation. An authentic work culture that promotes the employees' well-being and allows them to expand into their fields bolsters a company's growth.



Ways how one can get organised and reduce stress at Workplace: 

1. The Decaf Switch

Caffeine is everyone's go-to when they need to boost themselves while working. But scientifically speaking, caffeine can elevate your anxious state. It is a natural anxiety booster. It would be ideal to avoid coffee after lunchtime. Instead, opt for decaffeinated coffee post afternoon. This would ensure that the stressful situations do not become aggravating. 



2. Exercise 

Introducing exercise to one's daily routine can be the biggest aid in reducing stress. Even though it is a piece of cliche advice, moving your body for 30 minutes every day stimulates your body and mind. It can help you work out the built stress and loosen your physique. 

Otherwise, while taking breaks between office hours, you can walk around for a short while to work out the added stress in the neck region, shoulders, lower back and legs.



3. Aesthetics of Office

People sideline the design and aesthetics of their workspace because they believe it doesn't have much impact on them. In an office setting, some people are not bothered by it. 

But inside your home, it can get stressful while alternating between staring at computer screens and empty walls. Many studies have found that decorating your workspace can have a positive impact on you. Natural light, bright colours, photographs, vision boards etc., can be placed around the desk to keep the mind engaged and relaxed. 



4. Flexible Schedule

Keeping a flexible schedule can allow you to plan your day more accordingly and even get more work done in time. With work from home in place, work-life balance has become even more pertinent. The time that was previously dedicated to travelling is now being dedicated to working by many. In any case, employees can manage their home life and work hours with a flexible schedule. 



5. Healthy Snacking

Employees are no strangers to snacking between office hours. Of course, it is beneficial for them to keep themselves hydrated and well-fed while working. But often, our choices of snacking can increase stress more than we realise. Eating junk food while working can impact you in several ways. From moving a negative physical impact in the long term, junk food can alter your hormones and increase stress levels. In addition, it can make you more irritated and annoyed than before. 

Keeping healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, protein bars, etc., can provide you with the much-needed energy, avoid burnouts, and not lead to any health ailment. 



6. Afternoon Relaxation

Shutting down the system for a short time after long hours in the afternoon can ease a lot of stress. Getting bombarded from several channels, millions of messages and emails coming through to reply to. Employees can either switch off from work every day for about 30 minutes or keep one afternoon per week where you can unplug the phones and laptops. Encouraging employees to relax after being fixed in front of the computer for 5 hours can boost productivity. 



7. Make Notes

To improve organisation and productivity, keep making notes. Even if the things feel pretty trivial. 

This ensures that you do not forget anything, from ordering soy milk for your diet to preparing an excel sheet for your project timeline. This can allow you the plan your month ahead as well. 

Also, you will never forget anything that you were assigned to do. Any task that you miss will only create extra stress upon you.



8. Sincere Complimenting

Complimenting the employees can bring the best out of them. Stress is one of the many constants in jobs. Praising employees ensures that they feel encouraged while working. Offering kind words can motivate them and persuade them from a negative mindset. 

Insincere compliments are easy to weed out. Instead, give them compliments that you mean. Words like "You're doing great!" are prevalent. Most of your employees are probably used to them. Giving out words that are associated with their personalities can surprise them and leave them feeling extremely joyful. But, again, it is the little details that matter. 



9. Have clear expectations

Make sure that the employees are aware of what is expected from them. Picking out targets for each month is not enough. The employees may know about what their duties are. But that doesn't mean they know how to fulfil them. They would use their methods to finish the work. Which may or may not be ideal for the organisation. 

If you want to ensure that the employees are doing the work as per the organisation's demands, have meetings to sort out any issues. This reduces the employees' stress on how they are supposed to do the work and makes sure that they do not have to spend too much time reworking the task. 



10. Bring your Pets to work

In remote working, organising an office meeting and keeping pets nearby can bring immense joy to the employees. People love pets. Especially dogs and cats. Any other unusual pets are greeted with the same enthusiasm. While people may not be able to pet them due to work from home situations, the meeting can leave the employees feeling more connected. 

This will further improve communication within the departments. It is also a tremendous ice-breaking exercise for newcomers to the organisation. 

15 to 20 minutes of meetings with pets can improve employees' moods and reduce stress effectively. 



11. CRM Software for Organisation

A more significant part of the stress of lack of organisation at one's workplace. Not just workspace planning but also organising the workload.

Switching between several tabs, storing and pulling data from one platform to another, using several meeting apps, etc., can be exhausting for every employee. Especially in a work from home scenario, they have to be glued in front of their screen for long hours. Employers can opt for CRM solutions such as Optimiser that can easily integrate into their platforms and automate much of the process to ease this burden. 

Tasks that would otherwise require manual work would be finished quickly. Employees will not have to juggle between platforms as these systems can be integrated with emails, apps and even websites. 




Any organisation's success lies within the happiness of the employees. Happy employees mean that they will be more dedicated to the organisation's values and perform better. Employers and employees cooperating to create a work environment that suits everyone's needs would nourish the company from inside and out.



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