How small businesses can succeed with Optimiser's marketing suite | optimiser

Marketing Automation

How small businesses can succeed with Optimiser's marketing suite

No matter whether you are a small business or global enterprise, marketing is one of the most risk-heavy areas of business. With the power to be an extremely lucrative ROI or a drain on resources, there is no way to guarantee success. You can, however, ameliorate some of the innate risks by reducing the outgoing time and effort spent on manual marketing, and using data to inform successful future processes.

“How do I do that?”

By integrating marketing software systems into your every day marketing processes, you can optimise the way you connect with your target audience, design and execute campaigns, and convert interest into a sale. Marketing softwares is often integrated with CRM for small businesses. This not only enables marketing automation, but also works in tandem with other aspects of business, like monitoring lead quality, syncing with the sales funnel, in-depth analysis and more.

Marketing software is a collection of specific tools that eliminate mundane tasks, and make the most of your resources. An ideal investment for businesses of any size, the technology is worthwhile for those businesses looking for a way to expand market reach, grow brand presence, and concentrate on creativity and innovation in their marketing practices.

Studies have found that:

  • 54% of companies saw an improvement in their campaigns as a result of their marketing software
  • 80% found that their leads increased after implementing the software
  • 77% of respondents reported growth in the number of conversions thanks to digital marketing tools


What exactly does marketing software do?

Marketing software’s primary functions are to:

  • Allow you to design dynamic mailers with no HTML knowledge required
  • Create comprehensive market segments from your contacts list based on custom criteria
  • Gain insights into the performance of your marketing
  • Draw data-led conclusions that inform future campaigns
  • Source and track the user journey across your marketing activities

The benefits of these are:

1- Reduction of manual repetitive tasks

The primary function of any digital work tool is to replace the workload by eliminating repetitive and time consuming tasks, such as:

  • Collecting campaign data
  • Sending emails and posting social content
  • Evaluating ROI

The purpose of this is to free up time for your teams to carry out tasks that a computer cannot: creativity, dynamic refocus campaigns and building genuine relationships between your brand and the consumer. By implementing marketing tools, CRM and project management software, you save time and enable your teams to shoulder more important responsibilities, faster.

2- Streamlines marketing workflow

A single marketing campaign can require the attention of multiple marketers, and the deployment of multiple messages across many platforms, simultaneously. Marketing software facilitates better collaboration through shared tasks and calendars. It also combines various creative and scheduling programmes into a single comprehensive platform, meaning all the tools you need for designing mailers, nurturing leads, measuring impact and managing teams can be accessed from one place (under a single subscription!) Increasing efficiency, accuracy and ROI.

3- Makes customer relationship development easier

Attracting and retaining customers is a process that takes place throughout the entire sales funnel, and is crucial to the success and survival of your business. However, developing relationships is about more than just convincing people to buy your product; it is about finding the audience of people who are likely to be interested in your product or services and interacting with them in a meaningful way. CRM-integrated and lead-integrated marketing software allows you to use your customer data to create person-oriented marketing, proven to be the most effective in generating conversions and retaining brand loyalty.

4- Improves accuracy and effectiveness

Know exactly who you are targeting with your marketing efforts and why. Understand what they respond well to, what their interests are, and what they will find valuable about a relationship with your brand. Find out where these people lie in your brand presence online, and how they typically make the journey from discovery to sale. Figure out what general market trends say about the interests of these people, and compare them to your marketing analytics to see whether you are on target and whether your marketing efforts are striking the right note with consumers.

5- Faster progress

Set, track and meet KPIs for multiple campaigns at the same time. From tracking leads, content and resources to clicks, opens and ROI across multiple campaigns or brands, marketing software increases your business intelligence and powers insightful data-led choices. Create clear and accurate reports that not only provide feedback on the effectiveness of your marketing, but highlight avenues of improvement for the future, fast-tracking your path to success.

The power of Optimiser’s marketing suite for small businesses

Optimiser’s marketing suite is a powerful suite of tools integrated with comprehensive, cloud-hosted CRM. Create people-oriented marketing your prospects will love, then make it possible to ignore!

Design engaging and eye-catching mailers with no HTML knowledge required. Optimiser’s clean and intuitive layout makes it simple to create custom mail designs that include attention-grabbing branding, images and video. Gain detailed evaluations on your email campaign success, with clear reports on opens, clicks and bounce rate: helping you to know what content your audience finds the most valuable, and create a strong brand impression.

Pipelines integrated throughout your sales funnel ensures that any high-volume sales department has the tools necessary to organise and streamline their workflow. Probability tagging and CRM integrations ensure lead handling is personalised and prioritised according to the likelihood of success. Save time on dead and unpromising leads, and allow your sales team to build loyal customer relationships when it truly counts.

Detailed contacts and accounts databases allow you to personalise every communication you send from your Optimiser platform according to precise customer segments, generating better engagements and higher sales. Know and understand your consumers by attaching purchase and brand interaction data to profiles, ensuring new incoming leads are accurately sorted and stored according to historic precedent.

Understand what your data is telling you with clear and accurate metrics into key areas of interest for your business. No matter the data you wish to analyse, automatic charts and graphs allow you to gain insight at a glance, saving time on complicated spreadsheets and manual data entry. Save your team’s time, reduce the risk of error, and derive greater business intelligence than ever before from your company data.

Marketing software hosted on the cloud has a number of benefits for its users that you cannot gain from hosting your own servers on-premise.

  • Automatic software updates
  • Off-premise IT infrastructure
  • Professional third party security companies
  • Easy software onboarding and implementation

Scalable, affordable and integratable with your other key Optimiser solutions, marketing suite for small businesses will help you expand the scope of your activities, better target your audience and grow your small marketing team into a high-performing department.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

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