How Enterprise can Frugally Market using Social Media for Sales? | optimiser

How Enterprise can Frugally Market using Social Media for Sales?

Even enterprises have a budget limit within which their sales and marketing expenditure should come under. For sustainable success, enterprises avoid exceeding the budget and choose to find ways to frugally market themselves to the audience. 
The answer to this dilemma is Optimiser Enterprise Solution that offers features such as email marketing, event management, workflow automation, Optimisier Touchpoint and more to market your business and grow sales numbers. Besides, socail media also serves as an important tool that allow enterprises to market economically. 

How Enterprise can Frugally Market using Social Media for Sales? 

Necessity and Goal 

Before starting your social media account for business, you should have a few questions answered such as: Why would people follow your page? What does your page offer that others do not? What is the primary goal of this page? 
Because once you are up and running with the social media account, these questions will shape the content and design you will be putting on your social media. 


Considering you cannot pay for advertisements, you will share your page with your peers, employees, and your contact list. You can email them about the new page of the newsletter. This way, you will begin to expose an audience to the page you have created and begin with the first step of promoting your social media account. 

After that, you have to determine how you will grow your page. Will you use it to announce products, contests, features, and company updates? 
You will need a list of reasons to convince social media users to follow you on the platform.


Also Read: Six Principles of Successful Branding


Business Account set-up

Most social media platforms offer individuals to turn their accounts into business accounts if they are on the platform to promote their business. This business account feature comes with key metrics that will help you understand the audience that you are popular with and how your page is growing on the platform. These business accounts allow your customers to contact you directly through call, email or visit to your website. 
Once you verify your business on these social media platforms, you will observe that the audience can discover your more easily. 

Referral Programs 

Referral programs can allow you to bring in more audiences. Your existing followers can share your social media account amongst their followers and you can offer them incentives for the same. Do not use any pushy or annoying tricks to get what you want. If you promise a free trial of the product with certain features, do not step back from the promise and try to withhold anything. It decreases your credibility and influencers will be hesitant to work with your business in the future. 

Content is King 

On social media, quality content can help you stand without any marketing. Even if you offer referral programs, what will make the followers talk about your social media page is the content you put on it. If you are creating content that is trending and interests your audience, you will observe that even without advertising, your social media pages are growing. 
Keep your posts informative, exciting and crisp. Get to the point and updated the customers about the features of the product, offers,  discounts, updates, news, or help. 
Do not forget to use hashtags to contribute to the algorithm. Use the relevant hashtag to ensure that even your non-followers will be able to see your post if they follow that hashtag. 

Social Media Buttons 

Using social media buttons on blogs and websites can make sure that the customers can find your social media pages. Putting social media buttons is easy and these are unobtrusive as well as blend with the page. Every article that you write will help generate followers if you are putting the social media buttons at the end. Link your articles to your social media pages and allow the social media users to interact with your website content. 



Host Events 

Hosting events is an effective way to interact with the audience and increase your followers base. In these contests or a raffle, the reward does not have to be expensive or over the top, it can be simple but enticing. It should interest the audience in participating and engaging in the event. Events create a huge spike in followers and depending on how your event played out, it can impact the spike. 

Curated Content 

Curated content is content created by experts and celebrities in the field. Curated content is also one of the most overlooked techniques. It is so because people are hesitant to put content that has been posted already. Social media algorithms demand fresh content and therefore, businesses opt to leave out curated content. However, the result of using curated content is quite different. With relevant hashtags, it can expose you to the audience that follows the expert/ celebrity as well as save you time. 

Engage with Audience 

Engaging with the audience is the key to winning their hearts. On social media, you will have to be social to be able to advertise yourself with a small budget. When you engage with audiences, your organisation will appear human and relatable. 
This will allow you to craft personal relationships and cultivate brand loyalty. 

Using CRM

The CRM does not need to be overly expensive. You can opt for a free trial of the CRM such as Optimiser. Optimiser CRM collects data from the followers, sorts their preferences and allows you to send customised newsletters to them.
Other features provided by Optimiser are event management, project management, lead generation and for creating stunning websites for business, OptimiserTouchpoint


With these hot tips, you will be able to advertise your business frugally on social media to increase sales. They may not make a difference from the start but as you remain consistent in your efforts, you will observe a huge difference in your followers base and your business will become bigger. 



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Further Resources

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