Future of Cloud Computing: Trends and Predictions | optimiser

Cloud Computing

Future of Cloud Computing: Trends and Predictions

Why is cloud computing needed? 

It allows us to remain digitally connected and avoid information silos. Opening a portal to a new world of services, platforms, and applications, cloud computing in the future is going to be a combination of on-premises computing as well as cloud-based software that can be accessed from anywhere at any time.



1. Storage Capacity 

Improved storage capacity is what one can expect in the future from cloud computing. While the cloud does have storage that can amount to infinite, companies tend to charge quite a bit for those services. Additionally, the data is generated in high volumes making it difficult to store it securely. By default, all companies require a place to store data with utmost care and security. As more businesses adopt cloud storage, there will be more data centres that come with lower prices due to the increasing competition in the industry. 

Most of the work will be done by cloud computing and virtualisation if the usage of hardware continues to be evolved in the case of cloud computing. One will be able to save the implementation cost that is spent on the software and will decrease the use of hardware. Furthermore, once the use of hardware has declined, the data stores will get analysed by machines and will not require any human interference. 


2. Improved Internet Performance 

With the Internet of Things or IoT, the quality of the internet will improve over time. Adding cloud computing to the mix will allow us to store data for further analysis and enhanced performance. Users will have fast loading services and high-quality applications. The network will be faster and the capacity for receiving and sharing data will be swift. 

As a leading technology, IoT has continued to be innovative with real-time data analysis and cloud computing. The process occurring, data and machine-to-machine learning will be made easier in the near future. 


3. Modular Software 

Cloud technology will require advanced system thinking. And with the size of individual programs increasing regularly, software development has been taken up from many angles other than the cloud. 

This will reduce the cost of software because the components of a program being placed are going to be economical. Companies are using software, but much of it holds the potential for modification and room for improvement in their current performances. Thes improved software will be user-friendly, flexible, secure and come with added features. Saving you cost and time will be the biggest benefit of cloud computing in the future. 


4. Future trends 

On the basis of data that has been collected, one can analyse how much the future will change. The cloud computing market has been growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate or CARG of 16.3 percent during the forecasting period. The global market is expected to grow from 445.3 billion USD to 947.3 billion USD by 2026.



5. Upgraded Cloud Features

Cloud computing is software as a service, Platform as a service and Infrastructure as a service. 

With these in place, a business can achieve its business goals. Accounting for more than 60% of the workload in the future, it is going to be a leading technology in the software as a service industry. 


6. Security 

Data storage in the cloud comes with a risk of breach. While it is mostly secure, it is still targeted largely by hackers. Cloud has some of the most confidential information about the company and its clients, any breach can lead to a lot of damage. In the future, we can expect a powerful solution to provide better data security. 

Optimiser CRM that has a cloud storage space comes with a two-step authentication platform. One can grant an employee access to the data they need to get the work done and keep the rest undisclosed. The data access can be given on the basis of organisational hierarchy. 



With more and more innovative ways rising up to accomplish business goals, cloud computing will continue to maintain an upward trajectory. The added benefits of the cloud will only elevate as new technologies come out. This will prove to be cost-effective, as well as a powerful solution for all kinds of businesses.



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