Customer segmentation— a marketing essential | optimiser

Customer segmentation— a marketing essential

Nowadays, the level of personalisation tools available to big business make it imperative that every company does what it can to personalise their engagements with customers. Up to 74% of consumers report becoming frustrated when a brand’s messaging has nothing to do with their interests. This is where customer segmentation comes in!

What is customer segmentation?

First of all, it is important to understand the difference between segmentation and personalisation. All excellent personalisation techniques begin with segmentation, in which users are grouped by similar behaviours, interests or attributes. Effective customer segmentation comes from truly knowing and understanding your customers, inside out. If you have grouped your customers well, personalised messaging to each of those groups should hit the mark every time.


If you have effectively segmented your customers, you can leverage what you know about each group, the way they interact with your brand, and precise data analysis to deliver personalised messages, offers and incentives to customers anywhere along your pipeline. Personalisations can have outstanding results, with around 41% higher click-throughs!


You cannot have personalisation without segmentation, which is why your process to first-class, successful marketing must follow this process:

  1. Data collection
  2. Data analysis
  3. Segmentation
  4. Personalisation
  5. Consistency
  6. Achievement


If any one of these steps is missing, your users will be less likely to act on calls to action, your number of sales will drop off and you will find your marketing techniques create less engagement.

How to begin

Sounds complicated and expensive? Surprise: it isn’t! To begin your journey to optimised customer relationships, you’ll need to invest in a suite of tools that manages, handles and analyses your business data. Optimiser’s CRM suite has all the basic tools you need to understand and manage your customer data, with integratable toolkits that provide additional functionalities. It is useful if these tools also integrate with your website and email marketing, to gain an even clearer insight into consumer behaviour, through clicks, scrolls and engagements.

Once your data is collected

Features such as customisable reports, accounts and contacts help you to understand what your customers are doing, what that means, and create unique tags that help you swiftly identify groups based on behaviours, interests and attributes. Tags can also be added to ongoing leads at any point in your pipeline, to ensure your messaging is hitting the mark at the most vital times.

Optimiser’s toolkit does this and much more, for an affordable subscription fee that ensures you have all the necessary features at your fingertips to successfully segment your customers, personalise your messaging, and score bigger wins.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

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