Why and how do you start improving the customer experience? | optimiser

Customer acquisition to retention: from personalised campaigns to lead nurturing

Why is the customer experience so important?

Which part of the customer journey should I be focussing on?

How do you begin to improve the customer journey?

What data can do for you

Optimiser’s data-driven CRM

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When it comes to doing business, the customer has the power. That is why Optimiser’s software has CRM tools at its core: ensuring each of your processes has customer satisfaction at its core. From acquisition to retention, how can software ensure you provide a positive experience every time?


Why is the customer experience so important?

As the landscape of commercial merchandising becomes increasingly digital, businesses are having to compete on a global level. Not only does this mean more choice for consumers, it means increased marketing noise for you to be heard over, and companies that have better or different resources that can make it hard to compete with.

Studies have shown that the user experience is one of the biggest persuading factors in determining whether a customer is likely to remain with a company or take their business elsewhere: even more so than pricing and convenience. It is vital that you and your company are prioritising the consumer’s needs throughout the complete sales cycle, in order to stand out in the global marketplace.


Data usage throughout the customer cycle

Marketing personalisations

  • Create and utilise audience insights to preempt trends in product choice, sales volume, and funnel length
  • Build comprehensive Contact and Account profiles for a deeper understanding of your audience
  • Segment customers based on unique profile criteria, and tailor communications accordingly

Tailored customer nurturing

  • Intuitive follow-up automations that save time on manual lead nurturing
  • Understand your post-sale relationship with each lead
  • Personalise customer nurturing techniques using profile data, from account history to email responses


Which part of the customer journey should I be focussing on?

The short answer: every part! 

To explain further, there is not one single method that you can use right the way through the customer lifecycle. The requirements of your brand will differ as the customer progresses through your sales funnel. In the acquisition stage, they are more likely to require more frequent communication and detailed interactions. Once in the retention stage, customers will want less frequent but more personalised communication, with better deals and tailored offers. 

Throughout the funnel, convenience and accessibility of your customer experience team are essential factors that determine how frustrated or satisfied a client is likely to be with the way your brand connects with them.


How do you begin to improve the customer journey?

In the 21st century, almost all customer experiences are digital. While there are many modern ways to optimise the customer journey, the most effective is information collection and analytics, aka “Big Data.”

Think about some of the most powerful selling algorithms today: Amazon, Facebook, Google, and you will see that the biggest successes are generated from the collection and analysis of customer data. Understanding who your customers are, what they are purchasing, when they are purchasing it, and how they are purchasing it, ultimately allows you to evaluate why they are making the purchase and what else they are likely to be persuaded to buy.

Data as a Service (DaaS) is an enormous and growing industry, and it is vital that your customer technique operates on data collection if you wish to remain relevant in an increasingly data-driven digital marketplace.


“Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves,”

Tim Berners-Lee


The first step is to evaluate your current processes from the perspective of a third party:

  • Are there any leaks in your sales funnel? 
  • Are any experiences happening that you do not currently have insight into internally?
  • Can you draw clear causational effects between your process and the success of a prospect or account?

Answering these questions will indicate which parts of your business that data collection and processing are the most vital. However, collecting data across the full business scope is the only way of creating a completely seamless customer experience- no matter where your insight is lacking!


What data can do for you

Data collection, unsurprisingly, has a number of benefits: but exactly how do you turn those reports on CTR, bounce rate, session duration and conversions into actionable insights?

  1. Marketing

Data collection for marketing purposes concerns the messaging you are using to generate interest and make prospect acquisitions on the bottom line. By setting up analytics that funnel data from your customers’ purchase history, browsing metrics and user trends across your platforms, you can proactively forecast and preempt market trends, and meet customer demands before they even know they have them.

By tracking customer activity and building up detailed, three-dimensional customer profiles, you can also segment your audience and personalise marketing activities to add value and increase engagement rate.

  1. Leads

Data collection for lead management is about understanding how your prospects arrived at your bottom line, the path they took through your user journey, and how they went from lead to account. With this information, you are able to increase productivity at every level of your sales cycle:

  • Accurately prospect score
  • Assign time and financial resources to more promising accounts
  • Understand how best to accelerate leads through the sales funnel
  • Targeted upselling / proxy selling


Optimiser’s data-driven CRM

Optimiser’s CRM software is the power of one subscription, containing all the tools you need to create a customer-friendly sales cycle, from personalised campaigns to lead nurturing. The following core CRM tools are a standard for every user account:

Contacts and Accounts

Comprehensive Contacts and Accounts modules allow you to create detailed profiles of your customers and clients. Intuitive grid view and custom profile tagging ensure that your database organisation and customer segmentation are simple, easy and convenient. Quickly apply market insights, create groups for your personalised marketing efforts, and keep up-to-date with your most important and lucrative accounts.


Pipeline is a clean, user-friendly interface that helps teams guide multiple prospects at once through an effective, streamlined funnel. The cloud-based tool allows collaboration, document and data sharing, and personalised case handling, no matter which of your reps is in charge of onboarding. 

A single source of truth to accelerate productivity by shortening the sales funnel and reduce the number of IT resources required to turn your prospects into advocates.


This one is fairly self-explanatory. Analytics allows you to generate clear graphs and charts about custom sets of data. Heighten your business intelligence by understanding communication frequency, user behaviour or purchase history at a glance. Integrated with the other core CRM elements, attach key data reports to their relevant pipelines or accounts, and securely share them with third parties on-platform using Optimiser’s unique two factor verification system.


Try it for free

Optimiser’s CRM subscription saves an average 40% on standard IT software costs, and is integrated with an entirely personalised set of toolkits. The expert onboarding team will work with you to identify your scope of work and implement a customised solution under a single unified subscription.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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