A guide to Optimisers project management for every business | optimiser

Project Management

A guide to Optimisers project management for every business

Project management is a consideration for businesses in every sector across the world. A project is defined as a set of work with a particular objective, to be delivered in a set time, with a conceivable outcome, product or service. 


This can be anything from a hospitality company preparing and hosting a big conference, to a big medical firm creating, testing and releasing a new medicine to the public. Of course, these are just simplified versions, but what really defines projects is that they have a definitive end date, whereas regular business procedures tend to be repetitive or continual.


Due to the non-routine function of a project, defining and implementing an effective working style can be a challenge. One project may differ wildly in its priorities, budget or end goal, and so the same management style is not always appropriate every time. A benefit of project management software is that it enables multiple styles of flexible project execution: all the tools you need to manage each element effectively, while allowing live blanket updates to keep the team up to speed.


Types of Project Management

Project management software should allow you to execute projects in any manner best fitting your company, including the main frameworks and management methods used by businesses today:


Waterfall management: The traditional approach. Tasks are completed in a sequential linear manner, and each stage is completed before the next.


Agile management: A faster and more flexible way of managing projects; it allows teams to revise and adapt as the project progresses.


Scrum management: Projects are managed in short cycles lasting for a couple of weeks at a time: “sprints”. The focus is on daily meetings and teams.


Kanban management: Tasks are displayed visually as the project progresses, drawn from a backlog of upcoming tasks. The team moves across the tasks as capacity becomes available.


Lean management: Applies principles of lean management to projects: focus on increasing value minimises financial and time wastage.


A Project Manager’s Considerations

So once the project manager has decided on which methodology to use, they must then discern whether their chosen style encompasses every consideration necessary to execute the project successfully. This is where project management software makes the most difference to the relative outcome of a project: the manager relies on software to execute the necessary tasks and ensure everything is running smoothly.



The scope of work needs to be defined clearly and shared with relevant team members.



Tasks need to be created, allocated and prioritised, with defined deliverables



Project resources from people to materials to capital need to be dispersed effectively



Create and manage groups of people based on aptitude within the project team



Analysing and planning a calendar of activities to create the schedule



Forecasting costs and overseeing the budget



Communicating with key stakeholders and managing expectations



Tracking the project through its cycle using reports and analytics



Forecasting, monitoring and eliminating risks


“A benefit of project management software is that it enables multiple styles of flexible project execution.”


Why Optimiser’s Project Management?

Optimiser’s project management software integrates seamlessly with the other IT products on offer, including essential CRM tools, meaning it offers several unique benefits not found with many providers:


Task Management

Cloud-based tasks allow live updates and collaboration for a clear progress view. Tasks allow you to track and measure activities within the team. Today’s View compiles your day’s activities, pipeline and tasks, assisting you plan your day more meticulously. 



Link projects to particular contacts for contextual planning and task allocation.



Add accounts to projects to ensure project-specific tasks remain relevant and targeted to a specific client. Previous account documents can be shared seamlessly on-platform between team members



Add multiple pipelines to a project to track and manage progression of tasks, team work, and deadlines. Monitor ongoing projects from a single, clean and intuitive interface with linked tasks in a clean, linear display



View the day’s ongoing, upcoming and overdue tasks to understand project status at a glance


Reports and analytics

Analyse and understand project metrics for smarter resource allocation, capacity and people management, and challenge elimination


Per feature, Optimiser’s subscription saves roughly 40% on the average software costs as a unified subscription for multiple essential IT functionalities. Optimiser is dedicated to proving that powerful software and seamless business operation does not need to compromise affordable, intuitive IT. To see how the system integrates into your daily routine, sign up for the 30-day free trial for access to the full software suite and each feature: find out how Optimiser will revolutionise the way you work, and which tasks you could’ve made efficient ages ago!


Why Optimiser’s Features are Right for your Business

Our project management software is right for your business, no matter the sector. Dependent on your industry and stakeholders, you will have a different type of project management style with its own unique ways of handling the project cycle stages: conceptualisation, planning, execution, and summary or termination. 


We have a number of industry-specific solutions, designed by experts to meet your unique tech requirements. Whether you are running a global enterprise or community charity, Optimiser has the software subscription for you.


Small business

Evolve beyond third party management tools, and handle your projects from a single software subscription. Helps you ditch the complications caused by non-unified project management (lost time, missed tasks and budgeting issues), and focus on streamlining the workflow for efficient project execution.



Elevate the way your enterprise manages projects, and meet company-wide KPIs from a single project management suite. Track global teams, departmental progress and rocket toward those sky-high goals with a streamlined workforce and deeper business intelligence from integrated CRM tools.



Build all-star levels of customer satisfaction with project management software that unites your teams from catering to cleaning, front desk to management. With every department operating from a single database, carry off projects without a hitch and ensure seamless results that leave everyone happy.



Integrated project management and CRM allows you to execute tasks and keep key investors; such as members and stakeholders, satisfied. A single database to collect your project data allows you to gain simple live insights into progress and outcome, with automations freeing up time for you to boost client relationships.



Maximise your fundraising potential by managing every avenue of your project from volunteers to donors. Keep key players satisfied with intuitive resource and costing reports, while saving your charity money on a single subscription for projects and CRM.


Project Management software is more important than ever in 2021

In 2021, the workplace is more isolated than ever. With no clear return to normal in the near future. It is up to businesses to optimise their digital office and future-proof daily tasks against further disruptions. Project management software links departments to create a unionised workforce on ground level, and makes projects easier to manage. 


“Sign up for the 30-day free trial for access to the full software suite and each feature: find out how Optimiser will revolutionise the way you work!” 


Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!

Contact us at +44 203 972 1702 or email us at sales@optimiser.com 


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Further Resources

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