7 ways a CRM helps online stores sell more | optimiser

7 ways a CRM helps online stores sell more

E-commerce stores enjoy a whole host of benefits from CRM. from learning about your customers better to making their experience on the website perfect, a customer relationship management software can help your business stay on top.


1. Know your customers 

A CRM offers you an opportunity to understand your customer like never before. Your visitors will interact with the site and the data collected can be used to segment them accordingly. This data includes how much time they spent on your website, what they were looking for, how long it took them to buy a product etc. You also get a glimpse into how you can develop a relationship with particular customers. Since you cannot meet your customers, you can use CRM's services to customise the experience so much that it seems like you are meeting them. 


2. Relevant communication

One of the big reasons why leads lose interest in a product/ service is irrelevant communication. People receive tons of emails after they sign up for a newsletter and much of the content is not useful to them. The marketing message that you send must align with the customer needs and the brand values you are looking to promote. Sending too many spam emails can proactively discourage the customers from purchasing the product. 

To send an effective message, you can send your customers an email about the qualities of the product that they are looking for and other recommendations that you offer. 

Every granular detail of the product can be useful for individuals. This is invaluable data that offers you the opportunity to stand out in the market against all your competitors. 

It can also be a very persuasive force to convince customers to buy your product by hitting their sweet spot every time. 


3. Customer needs

Any CRM can help you with the basic features of sending a bulk email, storing data and saving contacts. But a good e-commerce CRM can aid you in keeping track of the customer data as well as the individual preferences of every customer. 

You can remember key details about each customer such as customer A likes chocolate bars of this brand, customer B has their dog, etc. With filtering, you can get to people that have a very specific need and target them easily. 

There are various ways you can make the customers feel delighted by your services. You can offer customer A a gift voucher for the brand of chocolate they like, or send customer B a recommendation for dog food for their pet. It is the little things that count.



4. Shopping experience 

As mentioned above, you can meet your customers virtually using a CRM. You can tailor the approach that you take for them as an assistant would do at a physical store. Some key examples of this are: 

Customer C shows interest in a product, then you can lead them to a special adding page that gives out more details about the product and people's reviews on it. 

Customer D is not certain of the size being sold on the website. Share a size guide email with them to persuade them into making the purchase. 

Then, there is customer E who buys when a sale is online. You can send them emails about the upcoming sale on your website.

This knowledge can help you show the same product to different customers in another light. You will not lose customers' interest since you are not landing them on the same products/ landing pages/ promotions. 

At the end of the day, you can engage different customers differently. Optimiser CRM offers you the shop suite to customise this platform to your unique business needs. Whether you need to see the calendar view of upcoming appointments, or storing customer preferences and separate them by a tag or track the customer journey through the pipeline and keep the interactions stored.



5. Customer retention 

For any business, retaining customers is an important goal. If you are not concerned with retaining customers, you are losing out on one of the biggest benefits that are offered by CRM. It becomes a platform for storing data and sending emails and that's about it. 

But if you want the customers to return, you have to employ a CRM with marketing feature to make the perfect experience for the customers and ensure that they come back again to make a purchase. 


6. Feedback

Customer feedback can help you evolve the customer experience that you offer. Stay connected to the customer's order history, spending habits, communication, invoices etc. 


7. Sell better

As a result of the above-mentioned improvements, you will be able to drive your business further and sell better. Every time a customer returns, you can learn more about their experience.



CRM software can help you take your e-commerce business online and stand out in this competitive market with products of a similar niche.




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Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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