6 Tools to Automate Your Sales Workflow & Get Better Conversions | optimiser

6 Tools to Automate Your Sales Workflow & Get Better Conversions

Sales automation aims to reduce repetitive tasks and ensure the personalisation of human interaction. You can prioritise high-value leads while automation takes care of the administrative tasks. It has been observed that the sales reps of an organisation spend much of their time updating the database rather than selling. 
Manual work like data collection, prospecting and follow up are done by sales automation, and it streamlines the workflow. It also reduces the chances of errors and removes any duplicated data. 



6 Tools to Automate Your Sales Workflow 


Identifying which area needs an extra push with automation should be your first step so that you can benefit the most from the sales automation. 


1. Streamline sales processes

In every organisation, the sales team operates under pressure to increase sales. They are busy chasing prospects and seeking new opportunities to sell the product. The customers will be asking you questions about the product and how it can help them. In doing so, the sales agents move from one platform to another, which often leads to sidelining one query here and there. They can miss out on giving a tiny bit of information that may be critical for the consumer. 

The sales agents need a universal platform to conduct their activities to avoid that. With the power of one platform, Optimiser offers a flexible and integrative channel wherein all the data is updated on time and cuts the need to switch from one platform to another. 


2. Sales enablement content

The content used by sales reps in the selling process is known as sales enablement content. They assist the buyers when they need help, and sending the right content to the buyers will ensure that the agents can close the sale successfully. 

Creating sales enablement content is essential for the sales teams. This process is the interface between the organisation and its prospects. It is as important as website design and development is for inbound leads. It creates a positive impression on the customers, and it is vital to persuade them in purchasing your product. 

Sales teams will have to collaborate with the marketing department and the external stakeholders for a content creation workflow. 


3. Prospect monitoring and lead enrichment

Prospecting is about finding people interested in learning more about the products/ services you offer. In contrast, lead enrichment collects your prospects' data to estimate which lead is more valuable. It is a fact that not every prospect is a customer. They need nurturing and persuading before they purchase the product. Some of the leads have a better chance of converting into paying customers.



For example, a business owner is looking to buy a tool that will help them streamline their workflow as it increases. They are scoping out their options and are not in a hurry. Whereas one organisation is in immediate need of a project management tool to help them manage their projects better. The latter will be a high-priority lead as they are looking for immediate implementation. 

Your sales automation tool will use this data to help you make sure that you can prioritise the leads and take the next step. It will even guide you about when to send sales emails and promotional materials to the leads at the right time. 


4. Sales and follow-up emails

Emails are one of the most effective means for lead nurturing and follow-up. With 4 billion daily email users, about 47% of the marketers consider it an effective tactic for making sales and nurturing leads. 

One cannot track every conversation and decide when to send the follow-up. It is tedious, and the process is prone to errors. You could lose a sale if you send the wrong email to the wrong person at the wrong time. Email automation is the most viable solution in this case. 

Optimiser platform allows you to create personalised email campaigns and track the customer journey. Every customer interaction will be stored in the database, and you will not need to update it. It will be backed up on the cloud automatically. With automated follow-ups, you can engage with your prospects seamlessly. 


5. Appointment scheduling for calls and meetings

Your sales team can use a calendar to ensure that the slot they are booking is available to avoid scheduling meetings that clash with others. Sales reps are busy people, and they are almost always tied up in a meeting or two. Optimiser's calendar ensures that you can speak to your prospects, stakeholders and clients on their availability. They can schedule a meeting with you when you are free. 


6. Sales proposals and contracts

Drafting proposals for sales and getting them reviewed takes a long time. With sales proposal automation, you will be able to automatically extract meaningful information from emails and notes into CRM. You can ensure that your proposal is professional and updated. You can get the document approved by adding an automated internal workflow when the document is ready. 



In this time-sensitive department, Sales automation is an essential tool that gets you closer to your prospects and enables you to make better conversions. It can save you hours of effort and ensures that you can collaborate with ease while streamlining the working of the sales process.



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